PPP, EIDL, FPUC, PUA. Do all the acronyms and provisions of the CARES Act have you awash and wondering how to actually apply and receive financial assistance? Well, we can help you with that!
Join our WIFD Treasurer, Heather Anderson, as she walks you thru the actual process of applying for stimulus aid whether you’re an independent contractor, sole proprietor or small business owner.
She spent hours learning, doing and teaching others how to apply; and she will help you too.
This is a FREE workshop for WIFD members designed to help you complete your online applications. Let's get it done together, in digital community!
Here’s the best way to prepare for the workshop if you plan to apply for loans and aid (in real time) while we’re on the video call. Don’t worry if you don’t have all this information prepared. Join us and learn the application process so you can easily do it on your own after the workshop.
1. Click here to watch Evan Nielsen's WIFD CARES Act Webinar if you haven't seen it already.
2. Locate you Tax ID number and Business Entity set up date (if you have one….No need to do this for Sole Proprietors using their social security numbers.)
3. Locate your 2019 Profit and Loss Statement, spreadsheet or tax return
◦ This includes your 2019 Commissions, Sales Income, 1099 Income, any money you made in 2019
◦ It also includes your 2019 Business Expenses - your Mortgage Interest on any rental property, commercial property OR personal residence, your utilities, office rent and other business expenses
4. Locate your 2019 Payroll Report and/or your 2020 YTD payroll report.
By gathering this information beforehand, Heather will be able to walk you through the websites and you’ll be able to apply online with confidence during the call.
Heather is by no means an expert, but she wanted to share what she learned with our members so they can learn with less stress and confusion than she did.
“I don’t know everything, of course. But I know enough to remove some of the fear of the unknown for people and how to help them build a philosophy about getting it done so they can know they tried. I want them to get back to their life and business and to continue to grow and move forward.” - Heather Anderson
We look forward to seeing you online tomorrow. There is so much to cover we will start promptly at 2pm.
REGISTER NOW to receive the Zoom info for this important and informative workshop.
Heather Anderson
WIFD Treasurer
Hello! I am the chief problem solver in my Real Estate Company, Mile 27 Realty. Below are the skills that help be achieve this title:
-PhD at School of Hard Knocks
-Built 2 companies, 1 from scratch
-I self-funded my first company on my own, and co self-funded my second. We always strive and remind ourselves to be scrappy, nimble and humble.
-My teams and I have built proprietary transaction and investor processes/systems from scratch
-Sold 1 division within company #1 for a profit
-Helped 100s of investors build long term Rental Property portfolios and always instruct a cadence of every buyer/seller thinking like an investor
-Closed over 1000 transactions
-Believe in setting clear expectations
-Strive to find creative solutions to problems
-Have a database and vendor network of over 6,000 that we have built from almost 100% scratch
-I had hardly any training and learned by the sink or swim method and over a decade later I survived and am beginning to thrive. I try very consciously to help those who walk after me do it with more ease, confidence and direction.
-Monthly Co-Host on Real Estate Talk with Willie Lambright KLIF 570 AM and 1120 AM- Jan 2015 thru Jan 2017
-Graduate of Texas Realtor Leadership Program Class VII in 2011 and City Allen/Fairview TX Leadership Program Class XXV in 2012
-Degree in Finance 2002 from Middle Tennessee State University