June Membership Showcase
June 26, 2014
Location: MPS Studios 141 Regal Row Dallas, TX 75247
Admission: FREE for all Industry Professionals, but we ask that you bring a donation for Denton County Friends of the Family to serve as your entry fee! See below for what items we will be accepting
Mix & Mingle at 6:30 PM
Committee Booths open at 6:30 PM
WIFD Member Reel at 7:30 PM
The annual WIFD Membership Showcase is our chance to applaud our talented members and promote our organization. We are a community of industry professionals from all levels of filmmaking and television production and we need you to help us celebrate!
We will screen our WIFD Membership Reel which includes some of our fabulous members' work.
Enjoy free appetizers and beverages while you view our members' work!
Membership Showcase is a great chance to get more involved and strengthen our mission to empower, promote and mentor women in the television, film, and digital media industry.
Meet our Officers and Committee Chairs who will answer your questions about volunteer and leadership opportunities.
Learn more about 30th Anniversary, Topaz, Grants & Scholarship, Chick Flicks, Programs, and of course the benefits of Membership!
Show-Off and Step-Up.
Get those business cards printed. Update your membership profile.
Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation, and that crossroads will be at the WIFD Showcase on June 26th. Be there.
Donation Instructions
Since this is a FREE event, we've decided to partner with Denton County Friends of the Family. This organization is dedicated to providing compassionate, comprehensive services to those impacted by rape, sexual abuse, and domestic violence, while partnering with our community to promote safety, healing and prevention. For more information about DCFOF: http://www.dcfof.org
Items to bring for their shelter:
* canned foods
* toothbrushes and toothpaste
* soap
* shampoo
* socks
* underwear

Thank you to our Year-Round Sponsors for all their support: